Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Be able to moniter the preparation and conduct of a campain

We didnt succeed in getting any donations for the our charity so we failed in that area but we did succeed in raising awarness  for the charity shop and about how little donations they get that arent junk.I do think we could have improved our posters asking people to donate by put more information on it about the charity and explain how they would be helping the charity.

Our areas for improvment would be letting more people  know about our campain and why we were doing it we could have used our posters and T.V ad to do this.We could have also done an assembly or sent a letter out to tell people what we needed.

To alter my intentions to achieve my aim I will need to widend the publicity for the campain by possibly produsing a new poster and leaflet with more information and mabye targeting more people mabte outside of school to try and gain donations.

Through out the project I learnt alot and now the project is coming to a close I can look back and reflect on what i have learnt.At the start of the diploma I didnt know much about campains or blogs or charity shops but  the time I have been doing my diploma  I have learnt alot like about how to set up a blog and how to do different things on that then I learnt about charity shops an was surprised about how little amount of donations the charity shops get they can actually use.I also learnt about different ideas on how to advertise a product or campain.I havent just learnt this I have learnt much more than just this but if I typed all of what I learnt out I would be here for ages so I am not going to. In the future if I get a job in media I will be able to put the skills I have learnt to good use but even before the future I can use these skills in every day calsswork wich will help me through year 10.

Overall I have really enjoyed organising a campain even if it could get stress full at times. But I didnt enjoy it just for me I enjoyed it mostly because I knew that I was helping someone who needed it.

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